[Podcast] The Three Phases of Promoting Your Book Sep 27, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Book promotion begins the moment you start writing your book. Or at least it should. The most basic question is, "Who is my audience?" The second is, "And, how do I...

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[Podcast] Vintage Designer Sean Scherer on Promoting His Book "Kabinett & Kammer" Sep 19, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Every book writer is stunned when the author copies arrive. The emotion is a mix of joy, wonder, disbelief, relief, even gratitude. Sean Scherer recently received h...

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[Podcast] The Complete Roadmap for Publishing Your Book Sep 06, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

The journey from first sentence to printed book comprises a lot of moving parts. In this episode, we provide an overview of the complete roadmap for publishing your...

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[Podcast] Turning Your Presentations into a Book Aug 24, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

So you have ten years worth of presentations.

And for years, people have said to you, "You should write a book!" You think publishing a book would help with credib...

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[Podcast] HarperOne Senior Editor Mickey Maudlin on the Promise of Your Book Aug 24, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Ever wonder how an editor at a large commercial publishing house sees the world?

In this intriguing interview with Mickey Maudlin, senior vice president of editori...

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[Podcast] A Guide to Hiring a Ghostwriter Aug 24, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

"I just can't seem to get this book done."

Many are the reasons why professionals who aspire to write a book cannot find the time to complete the project. In addit...

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[Podcast] Cyber Safety Consultant Liz Repking on Making Time to Write Aug 24, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Only an elite few can write full-time.

For most professionals, making time to write is a detraction from doing the very activities that generate immediate revenue....

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[Podcast] The Role of a Developmental Editing in Book Writing Aug 17, 2020

by Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

There are at least three kinds of editing that you will need for your book:

1) developmental editing;

2) line editing; and,

3) proofing (some might call this "co...

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