[Video] The Six Stages of the Creative Process

video resource Sep 20, 2023

Ever find yourself stuck in the writing process? Unsure how to navigate from the spark of an idea to a finished masterpiece? You're not alone!

Rosanne Bane's "Six Stages of the Creative Process" provides a roadmap so that you can make the journey from inspiration to completion.

  1. Insight and Inspiration: Where every creative journey begins. The "aha" moment where your idea is born. Rosanne recommends asking open-ended questions.
  2. Investigation: Time for some deep research and brainstorming. Build the foundation your creative project needs.
  3. Incubation: Let your idea simmer in the back of your mind. Sometimes the best solutions come when you're not actively thinking about them.
  4. Illumination: The moment of insight when you realize how everything fits together.
  5. Writing: The "real" writing starts.
  6. Hibernation: After working on such a complex project, you need to reinvigorate your creative juices. Take some time to relax before embarking on your next writing project.

Understanding these stages can provide much-needed structure to your creative endeavors.




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