[Podcast] How to Get Published in the Harvard Business Review and Other Prestigious Pubs
Dec 22, 2021
“How do I get published in the Harvard Business Review…or another prestigious publication?”
For many business professionals, this question is always at the forefront. To get published in the Harvard Business Review or other top tier publications is to feel like you’ve made it. You’ve got credibility.
But, if it were easy to do, everyone would have a featured article. It’s not easy.
We sat down with Rose Hollister, author of Nobody Told Me and a consultant who specializes in business performance onboarding, to talk about how she got published in the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and MIT Sloan Management Review.
Connections Build Success
Forbes, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, receive dozens of submissions every day. And they discard dozens of submissions daily. So, what submissions snag their attention?
Familiar names. Writers whom they have worked with prior. Writers whom they trust and whose work is acceptable.
If you’re name isn’t familiar, work your network. Connect with published writers, build solid relationships, and then share your ideas with published writers.
Rose did just that. Early on in her career, Rose was introduced to Michael Watkins, a published, best-selling author who is also published in Harvard Business Review. Rose made an effort to get to know Michael, and once they became close acquaintances, she started to share her ideas with him.
One day, while at a client site with Michael, Rose shared another one of her ideas. Michael approved of the idea and when Rose returned to her home that night, she wrote down her first draft.
She didn’t dawdle. She committed to her idea, completed the first draft, and sent her copy to Michael. They entered an agreement to co-write a piece. A piece that would be published in Harvard Business Review.
Learn from Rose. Step out of your comfort zone, be friendly, and network your path to publication.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity
It’s easy to think an idea to death. And never actually get started writing.
When Rose shared her idea with Michael and received his greenlight, she immediately started writing. She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t question whether or not she should—or could—write a piece for the Harvard Business Review. She took initiative of the project and put in the hard work.
When opportunities come your way, seize them. Don’t allow self-doubt, perceived lack of experience, or fear control your decision. When you’re presented with an opportunity to write or co-write for a significant publication, accept it!
It will require significant effort on your part. And if you’re working with one or more co-authors, you will encounter problems between partnerships. But the payoff is worth it.
Co-Writing—What You Need to Know
When you finally receive the opportunity to publish in a prestigious magazine, you might encounter the difficulties of co-writing.
Co-writing can be challenging. You’re sharing your work with one or multiple people who will edit, change, and delete some of your ideas.
Rose’s most important advice: drop your ego. Lose the idea that “My way is the only way.” You have to be free enough, and comfortable enough, to know that your ideas are still being conveyed--even when your partner/s and editors make changes and rewrite sections.
Like any healthy relationship, co-writing is a partnership. It cannot be your way the entire time. The revisions and additions may actually make your work better.
Here's a Glance at the Episode
[7:30] A look into Rose's life, her consulting business, and how she started writing.
[14:45] Rose shares her challenges about writing and how she started writing her first manuscript.
[20:55] Rose talks about her co-writing experience and how she includes her written pieces in her business.
[31:35] Rose discusses the hurdles of self-publishing as well as her experience with promotion.
Links Mentioned In This Episode
To find Rose's book Nobody Told Me, follow this link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nobody-told-me-rose-hollister/1129906819.
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