[Podcast] Corporate Onboarding Expert Amy Davies on Overcoming Writing Obstacles
Mar 31, 2021
By Melissa Parks and Dave Goetz
When Amy Davies dedicated herself to writing A Spark in the Dark: Illuminating Your Path to a Brilliant Career in a Reorg World, she carved out and honored writing time every day for three months. Yet, she couldn't figure out why her ideas weren't coming to life the way she envisioned.
Then she got feedback from her publisher: "Find your ideal reader," she said.
That advice changed everything. Instead of writing for a general population of professionals, she wrote to her younger self: a hard working, driven and smart young woman, unsure of how to move forward in the corporate world. Amy says it was like talking to a friend, someone she knew really well. Not a stranger.
The focus was liberating.
Every story had a purpose. Every piece of advice was specific. Even the tone changed, as she connected more deeply with the reader.
Amy's renewed focus also led her to dump big chunks of content from her initial drafts that didn't speak directly to her ideal reader. That, of course, was emotionally difficult. But necessary. And, again, freeing.
Book Writing's Greater Purpose
Since the book's publication, Amy founded First 30 Inc., an organization that offers advanced onboarding and outplacement services to businesses. She uses her book as a way to supplement her coaching of people who, recently laid off, need help landing their next job . Each client receives an audio and ebook version of "A Spark in the Dark," as part of their engagement.
Instead of thinking the book would build her business, Amy built her business with the support of her book. The difference is subtle but important. Amy tells aspiring authors, "It's hard to sell books. You have to have a greater purpose if you're writing a business book."
Tune into this episode for more tips on how to avoid common missteps of writing a business book, the importance of feedback and how to create momentum in the writing journey.
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